Dear Paybswap community,. Thank you for your contributions to the recent poll and your continuous support and suggestions.

30 May 2021, 10:31
Dear Paybswap community, Thank you for your contributions to the recent poll and your continuous support and suggestions The team has been working very hard to beat our road map targets. We have a lot ongoing on the development side which surpasses what we planned to achieve in this current quarter At the moment our bridge is ready with the possibility to swap PAYB tokens from ERC-20 to BEP-20 and vice versa. However, to make this work in unison ( releasing a full product rather than half done product) we will have to get Matic and ETC implemented on the Paybswap bridge as well and this could take another 15 days to get them both fully implemented, so say approximately 15th June, 2021. We will then gradually add on more tokens as we progress. Audit of the contracts are similarly going on in parallel by the Quillharsh Audit Team. Thank you and keep supporting us!!! $PAYB